I found it quite fitting that my word of the year chosen at random was curiosity, a strong desire to know or learn something. As a recovering Type A perfectionist, I (still) find it difficult to prioritize wonder over success. This has been the biggest lesson that life continues to teach me - no matter how hard I may fight it.
This Month In Review

So this month, in honor of Curiosity, I decided to embrace the usual downtime most MUA’s see at this time of year and use it to explore and play. I took a pottery class, built a mid century bench for our bedroom, and painted. None of these forms have anything to do with makeup; and, to be quite honest, I’m middling at all of it. But, it was refreshing to use my hands and mind creatively in a different way during a time where creativity is usually absent; to explore color mixing but with paint; to use my hands to mold pottery or sand wood; to just learn something new; knowing you’re crap but forging ahead anyway because the pressure of being excellent is off.
Afterwards, I weirdly felt re-invigorated and began pulling out the glossy glitters, vampy lipsticks and pastel eyeshadows. I started reorganizing my kit and creating new color stories with my palettes. It was like a breath of fresh air.
All of this to say, if you feel doubt or even stuck, STAY CURIOUS! Use downtime as a space for reflection to fall back in love with what you do.
Do art knowing you’ll be bad at it because next month will be busier, lighter and you’ll be glad you took this time and chose to play a little.
Find inspiration in unlikely places. I tend to not look at makeup images to spark creativity. Instead, go to a local bookshop and look at their coffee table books; interior design, nature compilations, gemstones, watercolors, decade photography…